Emily Adler - Autistic ADHD Virtual Therapist, LCSW
Texas, United States

Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic, Depression, Neurodivergent, OCD, PDA
Additional disabilities: Chronic Illness
Practitioners' Ethnicity: White, Jewish
Gender and/or sexuality: Gender Non-Conforming, Queer
Pronouns: She/They
As a neurodivergent individual myself, I love working with neurodivergent clients! I do not pathologize clients; instead I focus on their strengths and their unique, valuable insights. I encourage my clients to switch away from the mindset of “something’s wrong with me.” Instead we focus on the struggles created by living in a society that was not built with us in mind, and find coping techniques that are less taxing.
I serve clients throughout Texas and offer both in-person and virtual therapy. Feel free to reach out to me for a free consultation if you’re interested in learning more! I’d love to chat with you and hear more about your goals for therapy.
Emily Adler, LCSW provides services through JHS Therapy.