Shara Tipton Executive Function Coaching
United States

Practitioner identifies as: ADD, ADHD, Complex PTSD, Neurodivergent, OCD, PDA, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury
Additional disabilities: connective tissue disorder, chronic pain and illness, long covid
Practitioners' Ethnicity: white
Gender and/or sexuality: queer femme
Pronouns: she/her
I specialize in nervous system regulation and the development of flexible habits and routines. I draw a lot from mindfulness, somatics, and disability justice movements. I’m a great listener and problem-solver, and I don’t mind getting weird.
I am not a coach that’s just going to tell you to make a to-do list or set reminders on your phone – I’ll work with you to create personalized habits, routines, and strategies that work for you.
I love working with people who are fat, queer, neurodivergent, and have PDA profiles.
I love connecting with new clients and would also love to find a fellow EF coach to trade services with!