Dylan Marie Alter, JD, AACC, CACP: Neurodivergent Support, Care & Education to Create Meaningful Strategies for Improved Quality of Life

Sonoma County, California, United States
Dylan Marie Alter, JD, AACC, CACP: Neurodivergent Support, Care & Education to Create Meaningful Strategies for Improved Quality of Life
Practitioner identifies as: ADD, ADHD, Autistic, Complex PTSD, Depression, Neurodivergent, OCD, PDA, PTSD
Practitioners' Ethnicity: Choctaw & Jewish
Gender and/or sexuality: Nonbinary, 2S
Pronouns: They/them

My approach to coaching starts with Hope and Trust. If you’re reaching out, you likely have a spark of hope that things can be different, even if you’re not sure how or are exhausted from trying. Coaching is more than training. Coaching is also more than cheerleading. (But TBH, I do keep pom-poms handy.) Coaching is about having someone help you figure it all out, get it together, make things easier, reduce anxiety and frustration, have more fun, see immediate improvements, and ideally build a collaborative relationship with your neurodivergence.
It is through that process, of building tangible results, that we build trust; not just between us as a team, but trust in yourself and your ability to make the changes you want moving forward.

I offer 1:1 ADHD coaching, group ADHD coaching, ADHD Ally coaching for friends, family & partners, as well as educational workshops and courses.

A longtime student of Neuroscience, Psychology, Sociology, Queer Theory, and Anthropology (yes I’m a huge nerd) I’ve studied ADHD, Autism, trauma and other neurodivergent conditions in depth from a Pro-Neurodiversity perspective since 2019. Noticing the ADHD Support Community’s neglectful exclusion of anyone who isn’t the classic ADHD Poster Child, I’ve worked to research, learn and develop intersectional ADHD support for the rest of us, tailored for our unique alternative selves. I also run an online community for queer neurodivergent adults, called Neuroqueer.org. Training: ADDCA, the premiere ADHD Coach Training Academy, AACC Certified, CACP from the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches (PAAC) and am a member in good standing with Add.org and the ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO).

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