Maria Kefalogianni - Psychospiritual Counsellor /Supervisor/ Non-dual Guide

Manchester, Greater Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Maria Kefalogianni - Psychospiritual Counsellor /Supervisor/ Non-dual Guide
Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: Greek
Gender and/or sexuality: heterosexual
Pronouns: she

I am a humanistically trained Person Centred Counsellor. I Integrate mindfulness/ somatic therapy and IFS effortlessly in my work with clients. We can only give what we embody is a saying I abide by. I have done deep “shadow work ” ( Jungian psychotherapy) in my psyche, delved into intergenerational trauma and broken chains for myself and my family of origin. I trained in various approaches ( including Focusing Oriented psychotherapy, compassion focused therapy , group analysis and more). Later on in life i did some training in shamanism reiki energy world and the power of sacred sounds. I got my diagnosis in 2019 which was one of the biggest missing puzzles for me. Coincidentally the same year, i had a profound shift /awakening in consciousness , which opened the door for me to begin to bring in from a deep experiential place a rich understanding of our Neurodivergence as the life force gifted to us to unravel our innate gifts and bring a homeostasis of mind-body-spirit. I have such deep belief for our community. I am rooted in presence and I am inviting you to anchor in your deepest sense of presence. If you are Neurodivergent and also on a spiritual path, this is my niche area of expertise. My work is very much body based and a moment to moment unfolding. Together we collaborate to create any structures that might feel safe enough for you to unfold with ease or go with the flow if that is the way you prefer to process.
I have received further training in creative therapies, and so i integrate this as and when needed.

I have been a trainer in Psychotherapy for over 14 years, in a local University as well as a supervisor trainer .
Besides my psychotherapy work I also offer Neurodivergent Affirming Supervision space to qualified counsellors/supervisors/trainers.

My work is deeply informed by studies of spirituality/ consciousness as this is a passionate area of interest of mine.

I am also a Sound Healing Practitioner with the Voice and I integrate voice work as a way to regulate the nervous system . I offer Sound Healing face to face in Manchester ,which has proved to be really super relaxing for Neurodivergent folk and a very gentle approach .

If this resonates with you im happy to have an initial discussion, alongside my practice i provide service in the community through me various community offerings which you can find on my website. I also offer a lot to the community for FREE ( if you are a parent, a psychotherapist with an awakening , or Neurodivergent with a keen interest in spirituality and /or having glimpsed into Deep dimensions of our Reality. I also run a bi weekly group collective you can participate for free , anchoring in the deep spiritual/ universal heart.
You can take a look at my page below

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