towards meaning counselling: therapy for autistic adults

Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
towards meaning counselling: therapy for autistic adults towards meaning counselling: therapy for autistic adults towards meaning counselling: therapy for autistic adults
Practitioner identifies as: Autistic
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: Mixed Asian, Ashkenazi Jewish and Eastern European
Gender and/or sexuality: Female, bi-sexual

Have you recently come to the conclusion that you might be autistic or have received a confirmed diagnosis? Are you now asking yourself what it all means?

Have you been finding social interaction difficult for as long as you can remember?

Perhaps your feelings escape you and naming emotions, nevermind managing them, is tricky…

If you are ready to move on from autistic and struggling to brilliantly autistic, you are in the right place. Realising things could be better is the first step towards positive change. It may be useful for you to be truly heard, to explore what you want your life to be like and how you can make it happen. Take a moment, take a breath…Let’s talk.

Towards meaning counselling is a therapy service supporting autistic adults with all aspects of navigating life. It is delivered by Lii, a qualified counsellor and a happily autistic person herself.

Sessions are available online anywhere in the UK and in-person at The Studio Beaconsfield, 37 Station Rd, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1QG.

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