Tanisha - Neurodivergent Coach & Consultant

Virginia, United States
Tanisha - Neurodivergent Coach & Consultant
Practitioner identifies as: Autistic, Complex PTSD, Neurodivergent
Additional disabilities: Chronic illness
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: Black, Afro-Latinx, Afro-Caribbean
Gender and/or sexuality: cis-woman, queer, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Package Fees: 8-Week Course: My Neurodivergent Blueprint-a personalized course ($1,200)

I am a neurodivergent coach and consultant. I work with adults and their support systems in supporting individuals in understanding their neurodivergence, centering their goals, and reducing life stressors. I use a collaborative and intersectional approach centering LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals. For more information, check my website at tanishajarvisma.com

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