Sex & Relationship Therapist

France & UK
Sex & Relationship Therapist Sex & Relationship Therapist
Practitioner identifies as: Autistic, Neurodivergent
Additional disabilities: Synesthete
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: Mixed
Gender and/or sexuality: Cis woman / autigender
Pronouns: she/her

Sex & Relationship Therapy

I support individuals and those in intimate relationships (including couples, polyamorous polycules, and platonic partnerships).
I specialise in erotically marginalised people, including those who neurodivergent, LGBTQIA+, kinky, queer, and non-monogamous.

Dr. Tiga-Rose Nercessian

I’m a multi-certified Sex & Relationship Therapist, Intimacy Coach, and qualified general Counsellor. I’m also an academic researcher and have been working in this field since 2015. As well as extensive training, I have an innate awareness of what most people don’t look at, either because they don’t want to or can’t bring themselves to do so alone. Together, we can work on physical, psychosexual issues, such as erectile dysfunction or arousal issues, as well as challenges around intimacy and relationships, to improve communication and to better manage life changes.

When we work together, it’s important that you feel heard, held, seen, and safe. My aim is to support and empower you to have happier, healthier, and more fulfilling relationships with yourself and others – whatever that looks like for you.

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