Dr. Christine Henry - Licensed Psychologist

Houston, Harris County, Texas, United States
Dr. Christine Henry - Licensed Psychologist Dr. Christine Henry - Licensed Psychologist Dr. Christine Henry - Licensed Psychologist
Practitioner identifies as: ADD, ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexic, Neurodivergent
Gender and/or sexuality: Female
Pronouns: She/her

I work with adults (25+) who know or question being autistic, adhd, or both. My clients come to me after trying everything they can to help themselves such as reading self-help books and listening to podcasts but still feel stuck. They typically have a trauma history and despite being in therapy have symptoms that persist. Together we tease apart what is trauma and what is being neurodivergent. With this new understanding we process how to move forward with this new identity in a neurotypical world. I offer online therapy which allows clients to be in the comfort of their own home or office. If they have pets, it can feel nice to have them by their side as they process difficult emotions in session. Besides my clinical focus I also have lived experience being late diagnosed as being neurodivergent myself. This is in addition to living with my two twice exceptional kids who are PDA and my ADHD/Autistic partner.

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