Malia Rogers, Live Your Truth Counseling

New York, United States
Malia Rogers, Live Your Truth Counseling
Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic, Neurodivergent, PDA
Practitioners' Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Gender and/or sexuality: Pansexual Demigirl
Pronouns: They/She

I am a neurodivergent therapist with experience supporting LGBT2QIA+ and neurodivergent folx through life transitions and anxiety, assisting with identity exploration and development, navigating various relationships, and identifying goals and hopes for the future. I am well-informed on topics like body neutrality, polyamory/CNM, and practical coping skills.

I believe that every human is the expert of their own story and strive to empower clients to take on an active and collaborative role within the therapeutic relationship. I strive to create a nonjudgmental therapeutic environment where clients can feel free to express their thoughts, feelings, and desires that may be considered taboo in other environments. I have personal and professional experience with supporting those who have been othered and bring authenticity and compassionate curiosity to the therapeutic space. I am committed to meeting clients where they are in the present moment and welcome clients of all genders, identities, relationship styles, kinks, and creeds.

I offer individual and relationship therapy sessions via video and am available most weekdays from mornings to evenings.

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