Coaching for Living in Autistic Alignment - Gem Kennedy

Hey you! I’m Gem. I’m a facilitator, transformational coach and podcaster. I’m passionate about advocating for and supporting Queer and Autistic people (I also am one!)
I believe there’s something really magical about living in alignment with (among other things) our neurotype, energy levels, gender identity and sexuality.
I’m not going to tell you that living a countercultural life is easy because it’s not, but it’s also pretty hard trying to squish ourselves into how society expects us to live.
Through my 1:1 work, I support my clients to figure out how to do life in a way that’s compatible with who they are and what they want and need.
Some of the things we could work on:
– Becoming more deeply connected to yourself and navigating life from that place
– Learning more about what it means to live in alignment with your neurotype
(e.g. emotional regulation, navigating burnout, how you meet your sensory needs, where and how to unmask etc.)
– Deciding where you want to spend your limited energy
– Building like-minded community and connections that feel good for everyone involved
– Living a more self-directed and consent-based life
I usually see clients fortnightly over a period of 6 months. This work can be deeply transformative and I find we need that amount of time to really make progress. Some clients go on to work with me for longer, but there’s absolutely no expectation that you will.
Our work together won’t look the same as the work I do with anyone else. Depending on what you’re hoping to get from the work, we might use a blend of modalities including: Transformational Coaching, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), Matrix Reimprinting, Somatic practices, Tarot / Oracle cards, Visualisation. I’ll never tell you what to do and if you don’t like something, we don’t have to do it – consent is a foundational practice of my work.
If you have a time-sensitive or short-term goal, it may be possible for us to work together for a shorter time. Drop me an email to see if I can help.
Price: The price for working together for 6 months is £2400.
Interest-free monthly payment plans are available; no questions asked.
My work is rooted in social justice and anti-capitalism. Whilst this is my livelihood and as a single parent working part-time, I need to earn a certain amount to sustain myself and my children, it is important to me that my work is as accessible as possible. If you know that you really want to work with me, but my fees are unaffordable to you, drop me an email and let’s chat about how we could make it work.