Autism Chrysalis Life Coaching

Hi, I’m Heather. I’m Autistic, ADHD, disabled, and building a life I love.
I help later identified Autistics break free of a lifetime of “shoulds” and NT-expectations to make a life that truly works. For you.
Here’s a bit about my style.
I bring calm, compassion, and a non-judgmental space to allow you to explore new experiences safely.
I listen and honor your knowledge and experience.
I uplift, seeing the potential in you even when you don’t.
I go deep, to get at the heart of the issue, to create lasting change.
I’ll challenge you, kindly, to leave the worries behind so you actually get the results you want.
I keep things simple, because simple is so much easier. In fact, you’ll find that your life gets a lot easier as we work together.
I offer, invite, and guide, but never demand or “make” you do anything. And I’ll do my best to respond to what you need, want, and find helpful.
Why am I so confident I can help you make your life better?
First off, I’m a pro at the not-at-all-glamorous art of being really lost in the deep dark woods of confusion.
More importantly, I’ve come out the other side.
And I’ve helped many others create their own Journeys.
This matters so much to me because I’m Autistic, too. And ADHD. With sensory differences from the perceived norm. And highly sensitive. And physically disabled. With chronic pain. So I get it.
I have coached well over 800 hours, helping Autistic, neurodivergent, and Highly Sensitive People improve their own lives in their own individual ways.
I’m a Martha Beck certified Wayfinder Life Coach.
A Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation, the largest association of professional coaches in the world.
And I’m a licensed teacher – in my “old life” I taught high school for three years and community college for five years (and was really good at it, apart from the sensory and social overwhelm).
And I’m making sure I can be the best resource for you that I can be.* I’ve been trained in or studied: Byron Katie’s The Work, Shanker Self-Reg, interoception, embodiment, neuro-somatic mindfulness, trauma awareness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Nonviolent Communication, and Internal Family Systems. I’m also a certified provider of the Safe and Sound Protocol.
*I’ve been super picky about what training, courses, and education I subject myself to, since so much is built on models that are part of old systems I want to move away from.
I respect you and your lived experience.
I continually lean into the discomfort of diversity with curiosity and an open heart. I have taken trainings from Black activists, listened to transgender and GNC activists, and (literally) sat at the feet of Indigenous Elders to listen to their stories.
One formal diversity training program even gave me a “badge” (below), which I do not see as a mark of accomplishment, but as an outward sign of my inward commitment to continually learn and grow.
And if individual coaching isn’t the best option at this point in your Journey, I offer couple group and self-guided options, and others are in the works. Sign up for my newsletter if you want info when more come out.
Learn more about me and what I offer via any of these methods:
My website:
About 1:1 coaching with me: Later Discovery Life Coaching