The Man in the Purple Hat - Executive Coach, ADHD Coach, and Disability Specialist

Coaching, Mentoring and Therapy: A Psychology Informed Approach
I draw on my interdisciplinary training and lived experience to create a unique psychology informed coaching model.
Within the context of executive coaching and mentoring I am comfortable working with a wide range of life, work and wellbeing situations. I blend psychological, psychodynamic and executive coaching techniques to put the person at the centre of a relational model. This might also involve group, family or organisational coaching.
Whether you are looking for a coaching psychologist, executive coach or mentor please get in touch via email or the contact form to start a conversation.
In addition, I welcome the opportunity to work with neurodiversity, specific learning difficulties, and other constructs of disability within the coaching frame. I would be comfortable with the additional title of ADHD coach, but I find it slightly restrictive. ADHD is not the only form of neurodiversity that can benefit from the co-thinking approaches of psychology informed coaching.
Whether you are looking for a coaching psychologist, ADHD coach, neurodiversity coach, disability coach or mentor please get in touch via email or the contact form to start a conversation.
I collaborate with a diverse range of practitioners including coaches, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, psychologists, counsellors, consultants, trainers, mentors, advocates and activists. If we are not the right fit, or I am not the right practitioner for you, I will happily signpost or refer you on if appropriate.