Samantha - ND & Menstrual Wellness Coach

Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom
Samantha - ND & Menstrual Wellness Coach
Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic, Dyslexic, Neurodivergent
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: Salisbury
Pronouns: she/her

I see you. You’re always navigating unpredictable energy crashes and emotional spikes.

I get it. It feels like you’re constantly balancing between what you want to give and what you need—all while juggling external expectations (not to mention your own) It’s exhausting!

👉 Understanding your emotions can already feel like a full-time job. Add hormones to the equation, and it’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces.

Trust me when I say I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re killing it one day, and the next, you can’t even face getting out of bed.

You’re doing your best to manage life as someone with periods, and as a neurodivergent person, but some days it feels like too much.

Maybe you’ve felt it too…

The constant internal gaslighting —”Am I overreacting, or is this just my brain… or hormones?

The masking. Always putting on a front to meet expectations, but wondering if you’ll ever just get to be yourself.

Some days you feel unstoppable, and others, even getting out of bed, feels like climbing Everest.

➡️ But I also know you’re bloody determined to figure this out…

You’ve probably tried everything—read all the books, listened to the podcasts, and followed the tips.

Some things worked (for a few weeks), but most of it wasn’t designed for your brain or your body.

The advice is out there, but it’s missing something.

You’ve noticed…

> Your emotions flip from steady to chaos in the blink of an eye.
> One week, you’re bursting with energy; the next, you’re completely drained.
> Best-laid plans seem to unravel in a morning, and you end up doing nothing.
> Self-care routines, and productivity hacks, just don’t seem to stick because they’re not tailored to you.

👉 That’s because you need strategies that work for both your neurodivergent brain and your hormonal cycle.

Not generic advice, but something that actually fits your life.

That’s where I come in…

Hi, I’m Samantha,

As a late-diagnosed AuDHDer, cyclical living was the coping strategy I never knew I needed.

My journey to understanding my hormonal cycle and neurodivergence was a long and lonely one.

Trying to figure it out (on your tod) when every solution is made with male-bodied people or NTs in mind is enough to make you think you’re losing your mind.

I felt like I was giving my all to try and ‘fix’ myself and kept hitting a dead end.

That’s because most advice isn’t tailored to people like us.

4 years and many clients on, and I’m here to help you shove generic tools and support in the bin and instead give you the coping strategies that will offer true mental and emotional peace for people like you and me.

Let me help you…

✨ Understand how your hormones and neurodivergent traits intersect
✨ Develop your body literacy to decipher the secret language of your body
✨ Work with your internal rhythms to set boundaries with your time and energy
✨ Build self-care practices (I’m talking rest, nutrition, and sleep) that fit seamlessly into your life
✨ Create long-term, manageable changes that won’t feel like just ‘another thing’ to add to your to-do list

You’re not broken. You don’t need fixing. But you do deserve to feel amazing.

Let me ask you this…

What if instead of punishing yourself with stories like ‘you’re lazy’ and ‘unmotivated’ and ‘useless’…

You instead thought, “I’m creative” and “empathetic” and ‘funny!’… today is just a low mood day, and that’s okay. I know EXACTLY how I can help my mind and body make the most of it.

What would that shift in perspective bring to your sense of identity and self-worth?

I want you to stop wishing your neurodivergence away, or dismissing your hormonal feels.

➡️ Deep, DEEP acceptance is where we must begin.

Because you are worthy of a beautiful and fulfilling life EXACTLY AS YOU ARE.

All you need are the right tools in your pocket and the right support at your back!

Because imagine being among the chaos and knowing you’ve got everything you need to bring yourself back to a place of peace, no matter what the day throws at you.

WITHOUT needing to change who you are to make it ‘work’. But bloody embracing what makes you extraordinary in an ordinary world!

I’m here for that kind of acceptance and ease. Are you?

Contact me to book a call, and let’s chat.

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