Therapy with Jaymee Miller

Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, United States
Therapy with Jaymee Miller
Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Complex PTSD, Depression, Neurodivergent
Gender and/or sexuality: Queer
Pronouns: They/Them

One of the things I have gained from my own personal therapy is the confidence to be authentically myself in all aspects of my life. I’m the same person in session as I am out of session. Sometimes this is a disappointment to my friends when they’re wanting to complain about their mothers and I want to explain the effects of intergenerational trauma, abuse, and neglect. This means as a therapist, however, I’m able to authentically connect with my clients because I’m willing to share some parts of my journey through life. I don’t believe it’s always fair to expect vulnerability without modeling what vulnerability looks like.

I also work very hard to dismantle previously instated concepts of therapy and mental health recovery. I believe that the model that was built did not take into account the wide variety of people that it’s supposed to treat. When I’m working with my clients I take into account all factors that make up that particular person and work in collaboration with them to create a path that feels good for their growth. This path isn’t always easy. But I promise I won’t make you scream into a pillow while you punch it unless that’s what you feel you need to do that day.

I value honesty within the therapeutic relationship. I promise to always be direct with you about my thoughts, the plan for our work, and your diagnosis. I personally struggled in therapy for a long time because I didn’t know what I was working on, but I knew I needed to be there. That experience helped form my approach and I feel that clients should know exactly what we’re working on and what the time frames look like. There’s always a method to my madness and it’s not proprietary information.

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