Jennifer - Registered Counselling Therapist

Morinville, Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada
Jennifer - Registered Counselling Therapist
Practitioner identifies as: ADD, ADHD, Autistic, BPD, Complex PTSD, Depression, Neurodivergent, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury
Practitioners' Ethnicity: Morinville

I have worked in human services and mental health since 1998. My educational and work journey has been a long one, interrupted by kids, moving across Canada for my spouse’s military career and not really knowing what I wanted to do when I grew up!

I am a lifelong learner with a variety of interests, and I am sure this is why it has taken me so long to really discover what I am good at.

I have worked in the medical system as a Medical Social Worker and in the private sector as a contractor, completing behavioural assessments and doing early intervention with autistic children. I have also worked with psychologists, completing and scoring various psychological assessments.

I started my educational journey in 2000 when I began my first degree in psychology and anthropology. In 2009, I pursued a degree in Social Work, as I wished to help people more practically. After working for a decade in the medical system and feeling that my calling was elsewhere, I completed my Master’s in Counselling Psychology.

I discovered that this is where I thrive. It is a privilege and an honour to be part of someone’s journey and see them making positive changes in their lives.

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