Ash Marrow - Mental Health Counsellor

Ash Marrow - Mental Health Counsellor
Practitioner identifies as: Complex PTSD, Neurodivergent
Practitioners' Ethnicity: white
Gender and/or sexuality: cis pan/graysexual
Pronouns: she/her

Queer friendly, ND affirming, fat positive, trauma informed, and anti-oppressive mental health support!
Virtual individual counselling sessions available to adult clients in BC and unregulated provinces of Canada (currently MB, SK, NL, YT, NT, NU).
$170/50 minute session – extended healthcare, ICBC, CVAP, and sliding scale available.
Specialties include complex trauma, disordered substance use, disordered eating, body liberation, grief work, and end of life support.
Please text 206-659-9832 to schedule a free consult today!

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