Honey - Spiritual Director & Life Coach

i am an autistic spiritual director and adhd life coach.
i have spent the last decade learning how to properly commune with the divine in a way that is accessible for me as a disabled and autistic person. there is much of spirituality that seems completely out of reach for those on the margins.
but that is not true.
divinity is in each of us, as is the ability to not only speak with it, but allow it to make meaningful changes in our lives.
but how?
the how is the hardest part.
many guides and readers will give information without any instructions, and as an autistic person, i need to know why i am doing things as well as the how.
which is why my methods have been altered and reworked to be more inclusive to those who have been left out of the more “mainstream” spiritual discourse.
you are divinity expressing itself as human for a little while
it’s time you act like it
come, let me show you