Michelle Markman ND relationship coach

Costa Mesa, Orange County, California, United States
Michelle Markman ND relationship coach
Practitioner identifies as: Autistic, Neurodivergent
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: Caucasian, Latina
Gender and/or sexuality: Female
Pronouns: She, Her

I felt lost, without a community like an alien in the world.

I realized in my early 30s that I might have a disability, so I dug out the old diagnostic paperwork from college and read my report; autism. I was finally starting to accept that I had a disability, and I would have to find a way to not only function but to flourish in the world. It would not define me, but it would define my mission in the world.

I accepted my diagnosis 5 years after receiving it. I strived from childhood to be the ‘perfect child’ and throughout my life this facade would crack, and I would have a meltdown and then start rebuilding again only for another meltdown to derail me and to start over. A life full of midlife crisis’ Finally, an explanation for why I felt like an alien my WHOLE LIFE.

I found similar experiences with other late diagnosed autistic females particularly. I am a social butterfly; born to connect with others. With this newfound appreciation for my experience, I stepped into the “creative, quirky creature” that I am and began to cultivate real, authentic, relationships with people who accept me for me.

I moved into the power of my quirky ass-self!

I love working with other late diagnosed autistic adults because I have been in your shoes. I was hit with the “bucket of ice water” that is an autism diagnosis. It is both soul-crushing and a huge relief to get a formal diagnosis (self-diagnosis is also valid). I grieved the loss of my imagined neurotypical identity but have since stepped into the power of my uniqueness and harnessed it for a life filled with purpose, and love. I have created my own family and community, and I am excited to welcome you to my community and share my story with you.

It is my mission to help you create a life you love, appreciate and are excited to celebrate each day.

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