Lighla - Speech Language Pathologist

Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas, United States
Lighla - Speech Language Pathologist
Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Neurodivergent, OCD
Additional disabilities: EDS, Hypermobility
Practitioners' Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender and/or sexuality: Female
Pronouns: she/her

Hello! I am a Speech and Language Pathologist in Northwest Arkansas. I am currently employed at POST Pediatric Therapies which offers speech, occupational, and physical therapy. We are as a whole a very neurodiversity-affirming clinic with multiple therapists who have advanced training in neurodiversity-affirming practice specialty areas such as Floortime DIR, Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS), and the SOS sensory-based approach to feeding. I and many of my co-workers have a special passion for working with neurodiverse kiddos. Our approach to therapy for this population is to help build the necessary skills to thrive in a society not built for their brains rather than an approach aimed at “fixing” them or reducing “problem” behaviors. I would love to chat with you about your amazing and unique child and how I might be able to help set them up for success!

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