Janet Smith-Harrison

I’m Janet, a trauma-informed coach, trainer, and emotional mastery expert. I’m also a mother, grandmother, wife and friend. All these titles are mine, each is important and precious and together they create the me who is very excited to share your journey of change.
As well as all the above, I am a lifelong learner, with an educational journey that’s spanned people, places and a few passions! Sometimes work has driven the learning, but some choices have been more personal, more heart driven. Along the way, I’ve encountered challenges and milestones that have shaped my perspective and tested my resilience. I bring all of this, my professional expertise, my heart driven knowledge and my personal experience to the transformation we create together.
I’ve fallen in love, been betrayed, fallen in love again. I’ve felt the grief of mother loss and the joy of becoming a mother. I’ve screamed with excitement at getting a new job and cried desperately on a Sunday night at the thought of Monday morning. I’ve handled pain, sadness, anger, fear and shame with dignity AND I’ve lost every shred of dignity in the dance of my emotions. Emotional management is not easy, but it’s possible and the rewards are immense. When we learn to pause…to really feel what we are feeling and resist the urge to gallop through, that’s when we can really begin our journey to emotional mastery.