Zoë Hays, Holistic Health Practitioner

Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado, United States
Zoë Hays, Holistic Health Practitioner
Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic, Neurodivergent, OCD
Additional disabilities: Celiac, chronic illness, chronic pain
Practitioners' Race and/or Ethnicity: White
Gender and/or sexuality: Cisgender, queer
Pronouns: She/they

What is holistic wellness?
Holistic treatment encompasses…


Psychotherapy, counseling, therapy, mental health services. All terms to describe a way in which we engage with our mental health. Having been a therapist for many years I am familiar with how important mental health is but also the limitations of mental health treatment in our current system. Treatment often ignores or outright denies the influence of systems, cultures, or politics on our mental health. For me, these are integral parts of understanding mental health and how we can best support ourselves and our communities. That being said, I work with people to better understand themselves, their internal systems, the external systems in which they live, and the ways in which all of these things intersect. Using modalities such as Internal Family Systems Therapy (Level 1 Trained), Dialectical Behavior Therapy, mindfulness, and others, you will explore and practice ways of being in the world that support not only yourself but the community around you. This is a neurodiversity and systems of oppression-aware (capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy/racism, heterosexism, gender binarism, and ableism) space.


Contrary to popular belief and confirmed by peer-reviewed research, our bodies and our minds are not separate. Our physical health influences our mental health and vice versa. We work together to understand how these two things interplay and how you can best support your physical health in order to better support all aspects of your life. In a session, this will look like examining your sleep, nutrition, water intake, and environmental triggers. We will explore the beauty that is your individual body while acknowledging and holding space for the ways in which our bodies have been neglected, harmed, and also tenderly held. This is an anti-fat phobia, anti-diet space where the human experience is trusted above the traditional allopathic medical model.


The spiritual is the place where you connect into your deeper Self. This is acknowledging and working with intuition, connecting with ancestors, working within a religion or spiritual path if that is what feels good for your system, and acknowledging that while our connection to our body is important, it is not the only way in which we connect to the world around us. This can look like incorporating Tarot into a session or “homework”, creating ritual within session and outside of session, or simply building space in your life for these spiritual aspects to be able to flourish. This space is dedicated to accepting all paths and forms of spirituality while acknowledging systems of oppression.

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