Ellison - Capybara Counseling, LLC
Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States

Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic, BPD, Depression, Dyspraxic, Neurodivergent, PDA
Practitioners' Ethnicity: White
Gender and/or sexuality: Queer, Asexual, Non-Binary, Polyamorous
Pronouns: they/them
If you think we might be a good fit, I hope you’ll have the courage to reach out! If there are any accessibility barriers I can lower, please let me know.
While I don’t accept insurance, I offer superbills if your insurance company will reimburse for out of network services, and I offer a sliding scale based on financial need. I’m looking forward to getting to know your complex, beautiful, multifaceted self, and can’t wait to work together.