Celestine - ND Affirming Therapy with ND Therapist in Atlanta
Brookhaven, DeKalb County, Georgia, United States

Practitioner identifies as: ADHD, Autistic, Neurodivergent, PDA
Additional disabilities: I have various invisible disabilities
Practitioners' Ethnicity: White
Gender and/or sexuality: Gender Fluid/Autie Gender, Bisexual
Pronouns: She/They
ND Affirming Therapy is the Core of what I practice, including providing high-context communication and education, resources, sensory integration Somatics, in addition to a variety of other methods to help with identity reconsolidating for those who only recently discovered their neurotype and deep trauma work including Internal Family Systems, Narrative, and Play. I also use frameworks in my work that focus on Social Justice, LGBTQIA+ Affirming, Ethical Non-Monogamy, and various other Lenses.